Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Spoon Full of Maryborough

Long time no post.

Sorry friends & followers!

We left the lovely little town of Elliott Heads (which we fell in love with) and headed out to Aunty Lynny's place for a few nights.  I hadn't caught up with Lynny & Peter for three years and Ramon hadn't yet been introduced so it was awesome to spend time with them again!  Lynny & Pete's lovely little acre of bliss (with cows and horses next door!) is just a little out of the Maryborough CBD and so began our two week drinking binge which is why there have been no updates to said blog.  We took a day trip to Hervey Bay and decided to go to Torquay instead...school holiday traffic got the better of us!  The weather wasn't the greatest so checked out the bay for a few hours and wandered the beach. The day we left Lynny & Pete's place we took a look around Maryborough at all the lovely historic houses and businesses there.  We were so impressed that the council is obviously leaning towards keeping the history of the town by renovating what they have and not tearing the old buildings down to replace with flash new ones like most city's are doing.
Mary Poppins was born here!
An old pub
Lynny has just started to learn to play the guitar and quickly got Ramon to teach her a few chords and a couple of easy songs - we hope that Pete isn't sick of hearing Stand By Me!!  
Lynny & Ramon jamming!
We headed off to Tin Can Bay & Rainbow Beach the next morning and two things were clearly conspiring against us...

The weather (it was poo...) and the dreaded school holidays.  I'm not exactly sure which was worse.  The moment we turned the corner to get to our camp site at the Rainbow Beach Caravan Park and were confronted with more kids than at a primary school picnic.  The serenity was special - children screaming a being screamed at by equally annoying parents - we made a hasty beeline to the surf life saving club to watch the footy.  Ahh bliss. Welcome to School Holidays!

We were keen to hang around Rainbow Beach for a bit but the dismal weather forced our hand.  We decided that after our gourmet brekky jaffells and lovingly barrista'd coffee's we'd have a look through the hinterland and make a track to the Sunny Coast to annoy Archie & Cath Bell.  Using the 'All roads lead to Rome' theory (not always correct) Ramon decided if we kept turing left we would surely get to Amamoor.  Getting to the end of the bitumen left us in a dilemma until some locals overestimated the capabilities of the van and sent us on a four wheel driving adventure through the Kennilworth State Forrest.  The little van that could did just that and safely got us nowhere near Amamoor but past the Gympie Muster site.  Great news was that after an hour and a half we found the bitumen again and made our way towards the lovely spots of Kennilworth, Malaney & Montville.  It was pretty cold so there and the mountains were so lush with great views of the hinterland.

Having driven pretty much all day we limped into good ol' Yandina just past Nambour and camped up for the night (in a pretty dodgy area - Ray say's it was fine - it was dodgy)...woke up the next morning to rain and got ourselves to Archie & Cath's with our fingers crossed that it was indeed the Sunshine Coast.

The great thing about rainy weather is you can still drink in it and with that we did.

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